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177 individuals found.
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woman Mollett, Abbie * ‎ 1845
woman Mollett, Abbie & Samuel Caco
woman Mollett, Abigail X Shadrach Ward
man Mollett, Abraham Lincoln X Sarah Ward
man Mollett, Albert & Jannie Pack* ‎ 1888
man Mollett, Albert
woman Mollett, Alice & Montraville Ward
woman Mollett, Alka & James Hall
woman Mollett, Alka & James Hall
woman Mollett, Amy 1st X McClelland Ward, 2nd X Allen Dutton* ‎ May 12, 1862† ‎ Oct 27, 1948
woman Mollett, Amy & McClellan Ward
man Mollett, Augustus
woman Mollett, Avonelle & Grover Meek
man Mollett, Benjamin
woman Mollett, Bertha
woman Mollett, Callie & Robert Akers
man Mollett, Charles
man Mollett, Charley
man Mollett, Charlie
woman Mollett, Charlote & Davis Meek
woman Mollett, Crecia X William Anson Cesco
woman Mollett, Cynthia X Sam Porter* ‎ 1840* Lawrence County, Kentucky
woman Mollett, Cynthia X Daniel Bowen* ‎ 1825
man Mollett, David 1st X Susan Johnson, 2nd X Mary Adkins* ‎ 1815* Floyd Co. Kentucky
man Mollett, David X Martha Jane Damson* ‎ 1840
man Mollett, David X Mattie Gooch* ‎ 1887
man Mollett, David
man Mollett, Delbert Dutch & Nellie Ward
man Mollett, Earl * ‎ sep 25, 1915
man Mollett, Edward